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Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irvine, California

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Homeschool Search: Home Grown at the Grove Co-Op
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Home Grown at the Grove Co-Op
Dawn Gunter
Leonard, MI 48455
We are a Christian (non-denominational) homeschool co-op. We meet at The Salvation Army Camp in Leonard MI. We provide a hands-on, unit study based program for children of all ages. The program "Theme" usually changes each semester. We operate in family units and do not segregate the children into groups or classrooms. Since we meet at a camp we also have the priviledge of participating in wonderful camp activities on a regular basis, some of which include: a climbing tower, boating, fishing, hiking, archery, bon-fires and much much more! We are a structured group, yet we allow enough freedom and flexiblity for the students and families to explore and have fun while learning and sharing at the same time! We meet the 1st, 3rd, and 5th (when there is one) Thursday of each month from 11am to 3pm. Tuition includes all program materials, lunch - provided for by the camp, most of our field trip costs and use of the camp facilities. Contact the Program Director for tuition and current semester unit study information.

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