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Public Homeschool Meeting

Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irvine, California

Our Road to Romance

A Christian Homeschoolers' Love Story

Come join us! Bring a friend! They'll be glad you did!

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Homeschool Search: First Class Homeschool Ministries
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First Class Homeschool Ministries
Jay and Heidi St. John
14300 NE 20th Ave D102-187
Vancouver, WA 98686-1493
First Class Homeschool Ministries...

Connecting the Christian homeschool community by
Building a network of independent homeschool cooperatives

First Class can help your church start a Christian Homeschool Cooperative. First Class co-ops offer

* Kindergarten-High School Classes one day a week
* Nursery and Early Childhood Education Program (during co-op hours)
* Encouragement for parents, help for new homeschooling moms
* New friendships and opportunities for students
* Affordable options - co-op classes are taught primarily by First Class parents
* Christ-centered community outreach to homeschooling families

First Class is a ministry to homeschooling families! If you have been looking for a one-day, Homeschool Cooperative with a solid Christian foundation, then First Class should be on your list. We hope you'll join us at First Class, make some new friends and get involved!

Our mission statement:

We exist to encourage, support and build up the local community of homeschool families, reaching out in the name of Christ.

We desire :

To be a resource center where members can find information, both practical and spiritual, to assist them in their commitment to homeschooling.

The following co-ops are a branch of First Class Homeschool Ministries. If you would like to charter a First Class Homeschool Ministry at your church, please contact us! First Class has vision to connect the homeschooling community by planting other FCHM co-ops where ever they are desired. In WA state we serve four areas at this time:

First Class Cowlitz County
at New Life Church in Longview, WA
First Class Snoqualmie Valley
First Class Skagit County
at Emmanuel Baptist Mount Vernon, WA
First Class Clark County
at Northside Baptist in Vancouver, WA
First Class Clark County East
at Glad Tidings Church in Camas, WA

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