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Saturday, October 26, 2019
Irvine, California

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Ridgecrest Baptist Church
Faith Academy
912 31st St
Tuscaloosa, AL 35405
Faith Academy is both an administrative overseer and an enabler. It is our belief that a child’s education and the direction of his mental emotional, social, spiritual and physical growth is properly the responsibility of his parents.

The hope of the school is that we may provide assistance and support to Christian parents who subscribe to this belief.

The three-fold goal of home education is first to instill Biblical character within the student, secondly create a desire to learn, and, thirdly to give the child the ability to relate well to the world around him.

Because education is more than the mere gaining of academic knowledge, the school is committed to encouraging an environment in which families can more effectively cultivate the qualities of character, creativity, leadership, responsibility and excellence in every facet of life.

Faith Academy assists parents by offering them a system of encouragement and support, a framework of structure and direction, a point of academic reference, a means of accountability, and a resource of information and training. We offer children access to group activities and learning experiences which enhance their academic, social, physical, scriptural, and emotional development.

We recognize the authority of God over all aspects of life, including the education of children and we recognize the authority of parents over the education of their children.

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