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Christian Home Educators Coalition
PO Box 34885
Chicago, IL 60634
CHEC was organized in 1986 as a volunteer organization to monitor legislation in the Illinois General Assembly which would be detrimental to homeschooling liberties in Illinois.

-CHEC is actively involved in protecting the freedom of all homeschoolers in the state of Illinois. We have subscribed with a legislative information service called STATE NET, which allows us immediate access to proposed legislation.

-We have grassroots lobbyists who are willing to talk to legislators as needed.

-CHEC has organized a fax/e-mail networking system to alert homeschoolers to call their legislators when a need for quick response becomes evident.

-CHEC has set up a CHEC Update Line, which has updates on national and state legislation 24 hours a day. The telephone number is (773) 278-0673.

-Illinois home educators establish relationships with their legislators on the annual Legislative Day, held in Springfield each spring. CHEC has organized this event since 1988.

-Members of the board of Christian Home Educators Coalition meet with homeschooling support groups in order to answer questions about the legal situation in Illinois. CHEC board members are experienced homeschooling parents, and will encourage parents in home education.

-CHEC offers information on candidates and their positions on home education with pre-election report cards. These are to provide voters with knowledge that is needed to vote for candidates who are favorable to home education.

-CHEC provides a bimonthly newsletter called the CHEC Connection, which provides up-to-date, in-depth reports on current federal and state legislation.
CHEC became a membership organization in 1997.

Any interested persons may join CHEC and receive the CHEC Connection for an annual donation of $25.

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